Thursday, 27 February 2014

Museum of Contemporary Rubbish at Venn Projects, Blackpool

Museum of Contemporary Rubbish has been invited to show at Venn Projects in Blackpool. The MoCR has made a Blackpool Collection for this exhibition, available as postcards, which feature alongside the Rubbish video documenting over 500 items in Collections from all over the UK, Germany, Italy, the US and Cuba.

The newly published Rubbish Newspaper will also available at the exhibition.

Preview: Friday 14 March 6-8pm
Exhibition continues until 7 April 2014.
Gallery opening times: 9:30am-4:30pm Mon/Weds/Fri

Venn Projects, FYCreatives, 154-158 Church Street, Blackpool, FY1 3PS

Rubbish Newspaper Launched at Supermarket Art Fair, Stockholm, February 2014

Alice Bradshaw has published a Rubbish Newspaper for her practice based MA by Research at the University of Huddersfield. She launched Rubbish and other Crap, Debris, Detritus, Dirt, Discards, Garbage, Junk, Leftovers, Litter, Refuse, Rejects, Remains, Ruins, Scrap, Shit, Shreds, Trash and Waste at Supermarket Art Fair in Stockholm with Paper Gallery in February and it will also be available at the upcoming Museum of Contemporary Rubbish exhibition at Venn Projects in Blackpool, previewing 14 March 2014.

The newspaper is available to download as a pdf (32.4MB) and feedback/reviews are invited.